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Tuesday, May 12, 2009
The Next Horrible 17 Months So, only one of the things I mentioned below came true........ that is........... 2 breaks and the latter one which allow us to eat outside from school. Conclusion ---> Sucks!!!!! The first orientation day was kinda lame. Arrived at 7 something, talking with ex - GBS, still talking with friends, entering the hall, register, continue to chat, ranting the new system, eat, day-dreaming ( almost asleep ) and bye bye. One thing to declare NO HAWT GIRLS IN LOWER SIX!!!!!! MAJORITY OF THEM.... NOT EVEN OKAY. The most funny moment is Alien, grabbing Kin Sum arm and told him : I don't want to be in form six...I thought girls are hotter in here. Yea, sorry alien and I feel for you. So, we kinda miss our gang in school and it felt weird without them. Shit. Everyone is getting a transfer!!! WTF!!!! I am taking up biology ( no choice, physics needs tuition while biology I can just study myself. Don't need to waste petrol. LOL. But we have to work even harder to score if compare to physics students. ) AND I CAN CUT A RAT OFF!!!!!! How cool is that!!!!!!! Fingers crossed for NOT GETTING TAN LEE CHENG AS MY MUET TEACHER or else I AM GOING SOMEWHERE BUT NOT HERE. 4:35 AM
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U-Turn ● Hell
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