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Thursday, April 23, 2009
Overrated This is the things I used-to-do when I am...overrated 1) There is one day in 2 years before, I got really bored out and there is a bottle of black coloured nail painters. ( I was in my granny house. That belongs to my cousin. ) So, I took it out and painted my left middle fingernail and go bashing people by pointing the international hand sign, the middle finger. Well, one of them said this to me "I have no idea you have a black-ish dickhead." Aha. 2) I guess no one can ever forget the TICKLE ME EMO VINCE. It is almost SPM and I got really stressed out, like I took small things that annoys me, pumping in the air and making it like a hot balloon. I went total EMO. But initially, I wasn't planning to do that epic scene. It was Ivan and I got so pissed off, everything seems not right, my temper went loose and there it was. But I am glad that everyone really cares about me. I swear I won't do it again. ( Maybe before STPM? ) Joking. 3) The truth release of the outgoing me was in dreambox. I eventually SANG out loud!! I admit I don't have the "oh-god-the-voice" ( Alfred, do I have one? LOL ), but I go along with the flow. You should see me singing So What by Pink. I don't know, I just feeling very cheapstake and sing like PINK? Alien was like WAHHHHHHH~ I don't know what's that means. Too good or too disaster? 4) Okay, there is one fine freaking evening. I was in the back seat in my cousin car and when I turned my head to see the car beside our car, I saw this cute little boy sitting back of the car, looking at me. So, I was like waving like an idiot to him and damn, his expression was all confuse but he did waved back. And recently, during my genting trip, I was in a skyline going up and there is a malay autie going down, so I just waved and she did responded. Zihan trying to mimic me by waving so stupid but none of the people respond. But he did got his waving thing going on after we going down. And people, I changed!!! From the shy lil short nerdy guy changed to shy lil short edgy guy ( at least I style my hair now and wearing something good. ) and now the new programmed outgoing lil short edgy guy. I talked to people who was taking JPJ with me!! Seriously I did. And I even make friends with them ( they even asking me to accompany them for lunch. Wtf huh. ) Wait, I am so drunk right now. LOL 8:06 AM
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U-Turn ● Genting
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