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Monday, April 27, 2009
Hell I got sick recently. I have this on and off fever going on in my body. God damn, I thought I was dying. I almost going to pass out when I am up for water, sitting in the kitchen just to catch my breath and I was doing this rhythmical breathing techniques. It just lame. I can't even sleep, the headache is too much for me although I am too sleepy. Oh yea, I have this feelings to puke. Imagine I been through this for 5 times. 5 times. The moment I got better, I fall sick again. My dad is half dragging me to go visit a doctor. I was refuse to do so. Why? All they do is, give you a dozen of paracetamol, which is the thing I am consuming. In the end, I did visit my doctor and yea, he did give me a dozen of paracetamol and asking me stupid question. "You got pan sai today?" I was almost going to faint, how I suppose to find that energy to excrete my shit? "You got pan sai yesterday?" I didn't. "You got pan sai 3 days ago?" What? I don't even remember what I ate for breakfast. Lame. I just go out with Chin, Mahn and Seow wei. I haven't see Mahn for quite a long time and we are hanging for hours in the mamak stall. They are very funny and they keep bashing & calling me "bang bang tang". WTF. 10:52 AM
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