
I just wanna put everything down and let go.


I am enchanted to you
Saturday, May 8, 2010

how does it feels when you're mum is gone?

Have you ever think of this? I used to be one of you. When I came back home, there is always someone asking how did you today, preparing lunch and dinner, nagged you when you're not cleaning your room. Is been 2 years, 2 damn long years. When things starting get better, IT took her away. Not fair. Not fair at all. I used to tell her, "Don't go. I haven't finished my SPM yet." She said "I have to go and you'll promise me you'll do your best in your test." In the end, she didn't make it. I don't know whether I make her proud or not. I am sure my brother and sister did but I am not. I am always the black sheep of the family. She worried about me because I am too naive, too protected, too coward. But she knew, I have changed. I changed so much that she barely can see the old me.

Sometimes, when I woke up from my sleep, I am still searching for the same voice that nudged me to wake up but now, everything is silent and dead. I don't like this at all. She used to wake up early in the morning and prepare breakfast for me, accompany me to the bus stop to wait for bus, come to get me when there is pouring rain outside, giving me advises, propel me forward in study, taught how to be a good human being.

Is been a harsh 2 years. I took up her role in the family and people are being merciless. They slashed me with their claws. But I will never back down because she had taught me how to fend off those deathly beast. She counts on me, that's why she left, because she knew that I can handle this. I can handle this. I can handle this.

Thank you, mum. I miss you so much.
6:52 AM


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