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Thursday, February 12, 2009
THUNDEROUS!!! THE FASTEST SPEED OF BIKE!! If you guys who trapped in the huge traffic jam recently for the international bike race competition, you probably know what I am talking about. So, tuesday morning is my last day of my work. I woke up early in the morning, racing to mcdonald's to enjoy my breakfast with a lot of padini staff before we start working at 8am. While all of us busying took out the sales wagen, we all noticed workers put up metal bounders around the road. We all look quite surprise and wondering what on earth is those things up to. Finally we discovered that all those set up is for the international bike race. Too bad I wasn't there to watch it since I was trapped in work. The next day, I already quit my job and attending my aunt's funeral. My cousins and me went out buy lunch for them and we noticed the road has been sealed for whatever reason and we figured out that it was the bike race again. God, we waited so long for the bikes to rush back. There is police car all over the place and the helicopter flew by and the road side is full with curious bystanders, someone like us. And there is one crazy man who hold up the camera without putting down for ages!! We quickly annouced that he is crazy since he button his shirt incorrectly and wasn't recording the actual place. And there is one older normal man doing crazy thing such us waving jalur gemilang and shouting like an idiot. Lucky for me, I recorded the moment those bikes rush by. It was so fast and so thunderous!! Please notice that the guy with the flag I mentioned above. 9:13 PM
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